Tech for Teaching

Students listen intently as an instructor jestures toward a screen showing a laptop computer, camera, and microphone.

Video Formats

Digital video formats are the most complicated we discuss here. This is because they contain a stream of carefully timed images and syncronized audio. So that the video and audio can be played at the same time while reading through the file from start to finish, each of these two streams is divided into chunks. There will be a bit of video, then a bit of audio, then a bit of video again.

Uncompressed video files are huge. Full HD requires about six megabytes per second, 360 megabytes per minute, 22 gigabytes per hour. Even standard definition video requires three gigabytes per hour. For this reason, video is most often compressed.

Video is compress in two ways. First not every frame is fully represented. Only one frame every few seconds, known as a keyframe or I-frame is given in full. Frames between keyframes are represented by describing the parts which are different when compared to a previous or future frame within the same group.

Second, the key frames or the differences between frames are themselves compressed using techniques which throw away detail. This is similiar to JPEG compression of photographs. A person creating a compressed video file can adjust the amount of detail which the program throws away choosing between high quality and small file size.

Video compressors or encoders have a lot of leeway in how they work. This is because the standards describe only the commands which they can write for the decompressor, but do not define which commands they should choose when. As a consequence compressors for new video formats start out producing poor results and get better over time as the programmers learn to fully exploit the commands which the new format provides.

Video compressors can make a video file smaller (or the quality higher) by searching longer for a better solution. They are frequently allowed to take hours to encode a single hour of video since this pays off in lower data transfer and storage costs. If a faster computer is used to do the encoding, a more thorough search can be performed in a reasonable period of time.

Compressors for new video formats can be very slow. This is for two reasons. One is that the new format provides new ways to compress the video which requires more effort to find the best one. The second reason is that the initial versions of the encoders have been written with emphasis on correctness rather than speed. In time they speed up as the code is improved. Computers also get faster which makes new more CPU-intensive video formats practical.

The degree of compression achievable without loss of quality is also limited by the capabilities of the playback device. Reconstructing each frame takes time. If the instructions for doing so are too convoluted, the player may not complete them in time and start falling behind causing the video to studder. If we build the playback device with more computing power, it will cost more, get hotter, and consume more power. This may not be a problem on a desktop computer, but on a cell phone, which is battery powered, it is a big problem. If we expect the video to be played on such devices, we may have to choose less aggressive compression.

To learn more about the theory of video compression see:

The Motion Picture Experts Group

The video formats most used today were all designed by the Motion Picture Experts Group. This standard-setting body has since 1988 produced a series of standards for conveying sound and moving pictures in digital form, that is so say, as a string of numbers.

The first suite of standards is MPEG-1 which was published in 1993. It was used for video CD’s and some early Internet video. The famous MP3 format for recorded music is part of the MPEG-1 standard. (It is called MP3 because it is the third audio format described in the MPEG standard.)

MPEG-2 is an improved version of the standard. The first edition was published in 1996. Some features, such as the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) were introduced later. MPEG-2 is used for digital broadcast TV is most of the world. It is also the format used on DVD. But in many areas, including on computers and the Internet it is obsolete, having been replaced by MPEG-4.

The MPEG-3 standard was never completed. The good parts where incorporated into later revisions of the MPEG-2 standard. This is probably just as well, since it would have been confused with MP3 audio.

MPEG-4 was first published in 1996. It provided a moderately-improved picture format know as the Advanced Simple Profile (ASP). An addendum known as Part 10 which was published in 1999 defined a new and improved picture format known as H.264 or the Advanced Video Coding (AVC) which soon displaced ASP.

In 2013 MPEG publish a H.265 or the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) which is intended to produce picture quality as good as H.264 while compressing it twice as much.

There are so many patents claimed on MPEG standards that it can be difficult to determine when they become patent-free. It is thought that patents on MPEG-1 expired in 2003, except for layer 3 (MP3) which expired in 2017. MPEG-2 patents were probably all expired by 2018. Patents on ASP decoders seem to have expired in

  1. ASP encoder patents may expire in 2022. The last known patent on H.264 does not expire until 2027.

As of 2020 the most popular video format used on the Internet is MPEG-4 with the picture in H.264 and the audio in AAC wrapped in an MP4 container. This is one of two key formats used by Youtube. It is also the format in which most consumer devices such as video cameras and smartphones record. About 95% of web browsers will play this format. MP3 audio will also likely work instead. Apple’s Safari browser will play ASP instead if H.264, but most other browsers will not. Few if any browsers will play MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 videos.

Software Patents

An organization called MPEG LA serves as an agent for holders of about a thousand patents which supposedly apply to the MPEG standards.

In 1997 MPEG LA charged $4 for an MPEG-2 encoder or decoder and $6 for a device which needed both. Market forces have pushed prices down. As of 2015 MPEG LA charged about $0.10 for each H.264 encoder or decoder in a consumer device such as a video camera or a computer and $0.16 for a device which did both. Paying $0.16 royalty on a $200 video camera or a $600 iPhone is no big deal. But it is a serious problem for publishers of free software.

Let us take the Firefox web browser as an example. In 2010, the last year from which I could find statistics, Firefox was download on average 1.5 million times a day. So if Firefox were to include an H.264 decoder, the royalties would be $150,000 per day with no way to pay them.

This situation has caused considerable consternation. An important reason the Internet was able to rise from an obscure network in the 1990’s to the whole world’s network is that the core technologies are in the public domain. Nobody needed to seek permission and persuade a corporation to license its technology on favorable terms before they could create a web site or a new web browser. Companies which are now household names such as Google, Amazon, and Yahoo were started as hobby projects or small businesses in college dorm rooms and garages.

Many saw it as a serious problem that such a basic feature of the 21st century Internet as streaming video was not available under the free and open terms which had made the Internet great. They argued that this made MPEG unsuitable as the standard video format for the Internet.

MPEG LA was aware of this delicate situation. If they charged to much or if they charged people who had no way to pay, such as hobbiests running web sites, MPEG might be rejected by Internet users. So they made the royalty very low and promised not to charge for the first 100,000 encoders and decoders per year. They also waived the per-video charge in cases where videos were distributed for free. This was enough for MPEG video to become the dominate format on the Internet despite misgivings.

Neverthless there remains a desire in many quarters to find a completely royalty free alternative to MPEG-4. There is also a considerable resentment about the patents themselves. Software patents as a class are viewed by computer programmers with almost universal contempt. To qualify for a patent, an invention has to go beyond what we would expect a competent practitioner to come up with in the ordinary course of doing his job. Software patents seldom actually meet this legal standard.

Junk software patents can be manufactured at will without having to invent anything. Company lawyers interview programmers and write up the ordinary solutions they used. Harried patent examiners approve these trivial patents. Companies collect them as legal-defense ammunition. If a competitor sues them for patent infringment, they can sue for the same thing. Junk software patents are so trivial and so broad that they can be used to sue practically anyone. At this point both sides agree to “cross license” their patents which is a face-saving way of dropping the whole thing.

We can safely assume that very few of the 1000 patents which supposedly must be licensed in order to use MPEG video actually describe valuable inventions for which anyone would willingly pay money. But once the things they describe are required by a popular standard, then everyone has to license them or risk being sued. The Motion Picture Experts Group could have weighted the cost of licensing various patents when which techniques to incorporate into the standard, but did not. In a few cases MPEG members are suspected of getting algorithms of dubious value mandated by the standard so that they could collect royalties on their use.

The situation with patents on MPEG video has deteriorated with the introduction of the new H.265 standard for which an extrordinary 10,000 or so patents are claimed. (Ask yourself if an incrementally improved anything could really embody 10,000 new inventions.) As before, some can be licensed from the MPEG LA for $0.10 per device. Some more can be licensed from a new organization, HEVC Advance, which announced that they would be charging $2.80 per device and be taking a share of the revenue of video service which use HEVC, though they have made some concessions since. Nor is it clear whether a license from these two companies will cover all of the patents. H.265 was expected to become the dominant standard, replacing H.264, but the patent fiasco has thrown its future into doubt.

At first glance it would seem that users of any competing standard would have to license most of these patents too if they wanted their standard to be any good, but this is not necessarily the case. First, the patents on earlier versions of the MPEG standards have expired or will expire soon. Second, many of the remaining patents are so narrow and arbitrary that they can be circumvented simply by selecting a slightly different solution. Third, if the royalties become too onerous, large corporate sponsors of a competing standard can fighting back in the courts and bring their own defensive patent portfolios to bear.

Ogg Theora Video

One company which attempted to produce a patent free video coder is On2 Technologies. Their programers studied the known video encoding patents and avoided doing what was described in them. In September 2001 they released their VP3 video format for royalty-free use and the Foundation (which had already produced the OGG Vorbis and FLAC audio formats) developed it furthur into the Theora video format. Though early implementations of Theora had defects which impaired quality, by 2009 these had been corrected and Theora was producing results comparable to those of the first MPEG-4 format, ASP.

Early drafts of the HTML5 standard required that web browsers be able to play Theora video Vorbis audio in an OGG container. Advocates of a free and open Internet spoke elequently in its favor. They argued that web site operators should have at least royalty-free video format of acceptable quality which they could be confident would play on all devices. However this proposal faced opposition, particularly from Apple which had already committed to H.264 and had no problem paying a $0.10 fee for each iPhone. They had also already spent the effort to create special hardware to play H.264 without draining the battery to quickly and did not want to repeat that work for a format with lower picture quality. The requirement to support Vorbis was eventually dropped from the HTML5 standard.

As of January 2020 only about 40% of web browsers can play Ogg Theora video.

VP8 and VP9

But that was not the end of the matter. On2 Technologies continued to work on improving its video coding formats and released VP8 in 2008. In 2009 Google, clearly sick of the whole video patent thing, bought On2 Technologies and released VP8 for free use the next year. VP8 produced results approximately equal to those of H.264.

The MPEG LA announced that they would identify patents which covered VP8 and sell licenses, but this drew unfavorable attention from the United States Department of Justice on anticompetitive grounds. Google got involved and the matter was dropped. Nokia sued HTC and Google in Germany and lost.

The VP9 video coding format released in 2013 produces results nearly as good as those of H.265 (HEVC). VP9 is seeing wide use for streaming video on the Internet starting with Google’s own Youtube.

VP8 and VP9 video is usually combined in a Webm container with Opus audio. As of January 2020 these Webm video combinations will play on about 90% of web browsers.

AOMedia Video 1 (AV1)

Google started work on VP10, but then decided to join forced pool its efforts with (Mozilla) and Cisco which had also been working on open video standards. They were joined by Amazon, Apple, ARM, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia, Samsung, and Tencent in the Alliance for Open Media.

The AV1 standard was released in January 2019. It provides about the same level of compression and picture quality as H.265 (HEVC). As of January 2020 about 30% of web browsers can play AV1 video. A number of online video services, including Youtube and Vimeo, are experimenting with it.


As of January 2020 we recommend that when embedding videos in a web site you encode them twice, in the following formats:

If you use this combination, nearly 100% of visitors will be able to play your video. See our tutorial How to Embed Video in Web Pages for instructions.

A computer programmer with 25 years of experience using and creating web technology. He enjoys applying his skills to the creation of language-teaching materials.