Tech for Teaching

Students listen intently as an instructor jestures toward a screen showing a laptop computer, camera, and microphone.

Opensource Typefaces

Clones of the 35 PostScript Fonts

The The Libration fonts are width-compatible with Times, Helvetica, and Courier.

The The URW Fonts include width-compatible clones of all 35 fonts found in most level 2 PostScript printers.

Bitstream Vera and Decendants

Bitstream Vera has 300 glyphs covering the Latin alphabet. Families in the Bitstream version collection include:

An expanded version known as DejaVu which has almost 3500 glyphs and additional styles.

Other Noteworthy Opensource Typefaces

Online Opensource Font Catelogs

A computer programmer with 25 years of experience using and creating web technology. He enjoys applying his skills to the creation of language-teaching materials.