Tech for Teaching

Students listen intently as an instructor jestures toward a screen showing a laptop computer, camera, and microphone.

Web Fonts

In this article we explain how to select fonts using CSS in your web pages. We assume you already know how to create a web page by writing HTML and how to style is using CSS.

Selecting Fonts Built-in to the Browser

In CSS fonts are selected by specifying the font family and then indicating the desired variant. For example:

font-family: Times;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12pt;

In web browser will take these preferences and select the closest font it has. When it comes to weight and style this is not difficult, all it has to do is go through its fonts and find the best match. But if the font family you request is not available, the next best match is hard to identify.

The browser may consult a font-substitution table. There it may learn that if “Times” is not available, “Times New Roman” should be used instead which is fine since they are almost identical.

But if the requested family is not installed and is not listed in the substitution table, you will probably get the web browser’s default font which may be far from what you want. To avoid this, specify a list of font families sending with one of the generic family names: “serif”, “sans-serif”, “monospace”, “cursive” or “fantasy”. For example, if we want Times New Roman, but will settle for any serif font:

font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif;

We look for Times New Roman under the Linotype and then the Monotype names and if neither is found, we settle for any serif typeface.

A more complicated example:

font-family: Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", "Book Antiqua", Georgia, serif;

In this example we ask for Palatino under three different names, and if that fails, we ask for Monotype’s clone (Book Antiqua), before settling for Georgia, and if that fails, any serif typeface.

Here are some sites which suggest font substitution lists:

Downloading Additional Fonts

While you can generally get something acceptable by specifying fonts from the standard sets decribed in our article on Standard Typefaces on Personal Computers, you get more control if you ask the browser to download fonts you choose. There are hundreds of fonts available for free, many of them of high quality.

TODO: Explain how to use web fonts

Additional References

A computer programmer with 25 years of experience using and creating web technology. He enjoys applying his skills to the creation of language-teaching materials.